Demo “day!”


Well if you don’t have a giant team like chip and Joanna, demo day ends up being more like demo Week or even month.. But I’m so glad we decided to do it all ourselves (at least I am so far) because knocking down those walls was SO fun!

Days 1 and 2 of demolition.

The plan: knock out entry way wall and kitchen wall.

He was being such a dork 

And so it begins!

Don’t worry, Des didn’t really do those holes so the fact that he has no shoes on etc isn’t as bad as it looks 😉

We got a little carried away considering it was past bedtime.

End of day one.

Day two
Let me just be real honest here since I know anything online can look like it’s all fun and games and everything is working out perfectly. My original plan was for a friend to watch Ry at our current home (CH) while she napped in the AM so I could take the other two to the new house (NH) to do some prep work and power washing. But then at 830 or so a realtor called and wanted to show potential buyers our CH around 2:30 which is nap time for everyone and so I felt a bit stressed from that. Then Ry decided she was Not going to nap in the AM, and the other two were bound and determined to undo any sort of cleaning etc that I had done and were really pushing my limits. Needless to say I had an exhausted/overwhelmed melt down. I threw all the kids and our dog (ok I didn’t literally throw them) into the car and we all headed to the NH to meet Jason and start working. Ry was so tired and clingy and Des and Etta were a bit crazy but we got quite a bit done. 

We are EXAUHSTED! But we’re one step closer.
